How to Protect Your Car From a Break-In

How to Protect Your Car From a Break-In

Unfortunately, car break-ins happen, but you can take steps to minimize your risk and keep your vehicle and belongings safe. By taking a few minutes to review these tips now, you could avoid the hassle of repairing (or replacing) your car later. Here are 10 smart ways...
5 Essentials for a Home Emergency Kit

5 Essentials for a Home Emergency Kit

If you ever needed to evacuate or shelter in place, would you be prepared? You can’t always predict things like severe weather or power outages. But you can prepare for the unexpected by packing a home emergency kit for you and your family. Review this list of...
6 Steps to Take After a Car Accident

6 Steps to Take After a Car Accident

We never expect to get in a car accident. And even though accidents are common, they feel like a big deal when they happen to us. It’s natural to experience shock, anger, fear and other emotions in the moment and after the fact. But, preparing in advance can help make...
Get to Know 3 Home Security Innovations

Get to Know 3 Home Security Innovations

Do you ever leave your home and second-guess if you locked the front door? When you’re in a rush, security isn’t always the first thing on your mind. We all want to protect our homes and our valuables from a break-in. And you may already have a home...
4 Times to Lean on Your Emergency Savings

4 Times to Lean on Your Emergency Savings

Even a perfectly planned budget can be thrown off track by a surprise expense. That’s why you’ve carefully set aside savings in your emergency fund. But what kind of situation can warrant dipping into that fund? Since you’ve dedicated that money to...
5 Common Car Insurance Myths and Facts

5 Common Car Insurance Myths and Facts

Maybe you’ve heard that people who drive red cars get pulled over more, so insurers charge them higher rates. Or that if you let someone else drive your car, their policy will cover an accident. Well, when it comes to auto insurance, you shouldn’t always believe what...